Help me choose, please…

… by suggesting a color. I need/want to change the color of my front door. Currently, it resembles a cold, black vortex of doom. And it’s not even Halloween yet! 😐 A little backstory: When I bought the house, the siding was a dull, drab (old) shade of yellow with half-broken brick-red shutters and a…

Kitchen leftovers…

As I was microwaving dinner the other night… I happened to notice my collection of a few things on my fridge. On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being super messy), how cluttered do you think my fridge door is? 😉 This is the upper right corner: P.S. There are only a few other things…

I hereby decree: This is my year

Last month, I officially proclaimed 2015 to be my year. (Please feel free to do the same for yourself if you haven’t already. The more, the merrier.) Unfortunately, the last time I did this, in 2004, it didn’t turn out as planned. So I am trying again. And I am totally ready to make this…

PROJECT: Lamp Makeover

In the mid-1990s, my sister and I moved into an apartment together, which we shared for a few years. We each had our own master suites at opposite sides of the apartment, which was fabulous! Within the first two weeks of living there, I bought a queen-size cherry sleigh bed, two square cherry side tables…

CRAFT: Painted Glass – Snow Scene

Just a little something I whipped up in honor of the coming season…. Yes, I’m having fun using up all of the leftover Plaid Gallery Glass colors from my other projects. And yes, I will fix that missing red spot on the snowman’s hat. 🙂 Today’s weather.

CRAFT: Painted Glass – Rose and Hydrangea

When I bought my townhouse about a decade ago, I attempted to create an English cottage ambiance by adding a stained glass pattern to the window on my front door. Recently (yes, my brain kicked in more than a decade later), it occurred to me that I could add a stained glass effect to my…