My favorite love songs in second and third grade

It’s Saturday night and I’m at my parents’ house. Moonbeam is at a friend’s late-night Sweet 16 party at the Melting Pot down the road. What else is there for me to do here than wait for her to come back and have my own private dance party with my headphones on…? These were only…

What my daughter thinks of me…

Moonbeam and I watched Mean Girls last night… which, of course, we’ve watched a few times before… but my point is… we watched it again and my daughter was laughing as usual at me because she thinks I’m like Regina’s mom. Not “the cool mom” Regina’s mom thinks she is, but the annoying mom who…

“It goes dark, it goes darker still…”

Ya know how I can tell that binge-watching “Dark” on Netflix is affecting my life? I was just swapping laundry loads and looked at the big bottle of ALL Free and Clear detergent and thought it said “Schnitzel” on it. Nope. It said “Stainlifters.” (The show is in German… in case you weren’t already aware.)…

Miscellaneous images of the past and present…

Be my guest… scroll through the galleries… Yesterday, when I was young… Moonbeam’s* childhood… The ladies in the family (mostly)… Moonbeam… dancing… I also love this member of our family… *Moonbeam is the nickname my mom made up for my daughter. Remember this one?

So I got my hair cut…

Unfortunately, it is not a haircut that will go down in the Hairdo Hall of Fame (<<that’s a reference to a line from Steel Magnolias). As usual (although, it’s been a lonnng time (I usually trim my own hair)), I took a photo with me to show my stylist what I wanted. She said, “Oh,…

Just passing through again…

It’s Saturday night and I’m in my hotel room in Pennsylvania, unable to connect to the hotel’s wifi on my laptop… but writing this post anyway. On TV, my viewing choices are the following: “The Marriage Contract,” “Who Did I Marry?”, “Why Did I Get Married?”, “Why Did I Get Married Too?”, and “Secrets in…